Empfehlung zur Indikationsstellung implantierbarer Ereignisrekorder.
Die Kardiologie. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s12181-023-00634-z. 2023.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum – Hamman Syndrome
Hülsemann P, Kulenkampff D, Vollmann D.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 120: 525, 2023
The patient perspective on remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices
Hillmann HAK, Hansen C, Przbille O, Duncker D.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2023
DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1123848
Genetic predesposition in Tachycardia-induced Cardiomyopathy
Dybkova N, Brand C, Hartmann N, Rebs S, Tirilomis P, Beier J, Zibat A, Vollmann D, Hasenfuß G, Wollnik B, Sossalla ST, Streckfuß-Bömeke K
Clin Res Cardiol, 2022
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-022-02087-y
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging patterns of acute COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-associated myocarditis in young male patients: A first single-center experience
Evertz R, Schulz A, Lange T, Backhaus SJ, Vollmann D, Kowallick JT, von Haehling S, Hasenfuß G, Schuster A.
Front Cardiovas Med, 2022
DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2022.965512
Empfehlungen zur Strukturierung der Herzschrittmacher- und Defibrillatortherapie – Update 2022
Butter C, Burger H, Steven D, Hansen C, Nowak B, Hanke T, Starck C, Bosch R.
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DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00398-022-00524-8
Contribution of genetic predisposition to the development of Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
Dybkova N, Brand C, Hartmann N, Rebs S, Tirilomis P, Beier J, Zibat A, Vollmann D, Hasenfuß G, Wollnik B, Sossalla ST, Streckfuß-Bömeke K.
Clin Res Cardiol P1936, 2022.
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-022-02002-5
Acute perimyocarditis following first dose of mRNA vaccine against COVID-19.
Vollmann D, Eiffert H, Schuster A.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 118: 546, 2021
Herzinsuffizienz-Netzwerke – Struktur, Organisation, Ziele.
Dahm JB, Perings S.
Aktuel Kardiol 10: 345-350, 2021
Strukturmerkmale und Voraussetzungen zur ambulanten Implantation von implantierbaren Defibrillatoren, Geräten zur kardialen Resynchronisation und Ereignisrekordern.
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Sachkunde Herzschrittmachertherapie.
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Sachkunde ICD-Therapie.
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Generation and cardiac differentiation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a patient with arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy.
Stem Cell Res. 20;53:102263, 2021.
Sudden cardiac death after implantation of a cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker: A case report illustrating that not always less is more.
Vollmann D, Hansen C, Hunold P, Lüthje L.
Eur Heart J Case Rep 5(2): ytaa540, 2021
Clinical Outcomes of Ambulatory Endovascular Treatment Using 4-French and 6-French Femoral Access Strategies: The Bio4amb Multicentre Trial.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s00270-020-02738-5. 2020
Safety and Efficiency of Interventional Electrophysiology utilizing the German „Belegarztsystem“.
Goldstein K, Hansen C, Lüthje L, Vollmann D.
Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol 31(2):210-218, 2020
Internal vs. External Electrical Cardioversion of Atrial Arrhythmia in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Adherence to ICD programming standards in a contemporary cohort of primary prevention patients: Results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Lüker J, Kuhr K, Sultan A, Nölker G, Omran H, Willems S, Andrie R, Schrickel JW, Winter S, Vollmann D, Tilz RR, Jobs A, Heeger C-H, Metzner A, Meyer S, Mischke K, Napp A, Fahrig A, Steinhauser S, Brachmann J, Baldus S, Mahajan R, Sanders P, Steven D
Clin Res Cardiol 108 Suppl.1 P575, (3), 2019
Wie sinnvoll ist ein koronarienfernes Gefäßscreening bei KHK-Screening.
Dahm JB.
Kompendium Herz-Kreislauf 15: 64-66, 2019
Verzahnung stationär – ambulant.
Dahm JB, Eggebrecht, H.
Aktuel Kardiol 8: 38-42, 2019
The detrimental potential of arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy.
Eiringhausen J, Hamer OW, Hollemann D, Brochhausen C, Vollmann D, Maier LS, Sossalla S.
ESC Heart Fail 5 (5): 960-964, 2018
Investigation on Routine Follow-up in Congestive Heart Failure Patients with Remotely Monitored Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillators Systems (InContact).
Hansen C, Loges C, Seidl K, Eberhardt F, Tröster H, Petrov K, Grönefeld G, Bramlage P, Birkenhauer F, Weiss C.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord 28;18(1):131, 2018
Arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy.
Sossalla S, Vollmann D.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 115: 335–41, 2018
Electrical cardioversion of patients with implanted pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator: Results of of survey of German centers and systematic review of the literature.
Lüker D, Sultan A, Plenge T, van den Bruck J, Heeger CH, Meyer S, Mischke K, Tilz RR, Vollmann D, Nölker G, Schaeffer B, Willems S, Steven D.
Clin Res Cardiol 107(3):249-258, 2018
Diagnostik und Therapie der Synkope: Ein Symptom, vielerlei Ursachen.
Vollmann D, Hansen C, Wolpers HG.
CME 14(9):9-22, 2017
Prevalence and clinical impact of iron deficiency and anaemia among outpatients with chronic heart failure: The PrEP Registry.
von Haehling S, Gremmler U, Krumm M, Mibach F, Schön N, Taggeselle J, Dahm JB, Angermann CE.
Clin Res Cardiol. 106(6):436-443, 2017
Malignant bileaflet mitral valve prolapse syndrome in otherwise idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.
Vollmann D, Hansen C, Lüthje L, Breithardt OA.
Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol 28(2):232-235, 2017
Real-time magnetic resonance imaging of deep venous flow during muscular exercise – preliminary experience.
Joseph AA, Merboldt KD, Voit D, Dahm J, Frahm J.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 6(6):473-481, 2016
Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia causing cardiomyopathy in an adult woman.
Vollmann D, Hansen C.
Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol 27(4), 404-407, 2016
Reversible sinus node injury during circumferential pulmonary vein ablation.
Sohns C, Staab W, O’Neill M, Vollmann D.
Clin Res Cardiol 105(11) 968-970, 2016
Ist ein Kardiologe immer im Dienst?! Haftungsrisiken beim Einsatz u. Nichteinsatz telemetrischer Fernüberwachung von Kardiodefibrillatoren u. Herzschrittmachern.
Schneider H, Bosch R, Ebermann T, Hansen C, Klingenheben T, Rybak K, Smetak N.
Aktuel Kardiol 5:97-100, 2016
Device malfunction caused by “auto-oversensing” of transthoracic impedance measurement test pulses in a modern minute ventilation dual-chamber pacemaker.
Hansen C, Vollmann D, Neuzner J.
Clin Res Cardiol 105(7):571-4, 2016
Verzahnung von ambulanter und stationärer Medizin – was lässt sich tun?
Wolpers, HG.
Niedersächsisches Ärzteblatt 9:52-43, 2015
Radiation exposure in relation to the arterial access site used for diagnostic coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Plourde G, Pancholy SB, Nolan J, Jolly S, Rao SV, Amhed I, Bangalore S, Patel T, Dahm JB, Bertrand OF.
Lancet 28;386(10009):2192-203, 2015
A randomized study of remote monitoring and fluid monitoring for the management of patients with implanted cardiac arrhythmia devices.
Lüthje L, Vollmann D, Seegers J, Sohns C, Hasenfuß G, Zabel M.
Europace 17(8):1276-81, 2015
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia.
Sossalla S, Vollmann D.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr Apr;140(8):603-7, 2015
Measurement of Left Atrial Pressure is a Good Predictor of Freedom From Atrial Fibrillation.
Bergau L, Vollmann D, Luthje L, Sohns JM, Seegers J, Sohns C, Zabel M.
Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 15;14(4):181-93, 2014
Single-ring ablation compared with standard circumferential pulmonary vein isolation using remote magnetic catheter navigation.
Sohns C, Bergau L, Seegers J, Lüthje L, Vollmann D, Zabel M.
J Interv Card Electrophysiol 41(1):75-82, 2014
Remote Magnetic Navigation for Circumferential Pulmonary Vein Ablation: Single-Catheter Technique or Additional Use of a Circular Mapping Catheter?
Vollmann D, Lüthje L, Seegers J, Sohns C, Sossalla S, Sohns J, Röver C, Hasenfuß G, Zabel M.
J Interv Card Electrophysiol 41(1):65-73, 2014
Effects of Ranolazine on Torsades de Pointes Tachycardias in a Healthy Isolated Rabbit Heart Model.
Sossalla S, Wallisch N, Toischer K, Sohns C, Vollmann D, Seegers J, Lüthje L, Maier LS, Zabel M.
Cardiovasc Ther 32(4):170-7, 2014
Split-Bolus Single-Phase Cardiac Multidetector Computed Tomography for Reliable Detection of Left Atrial Thrombus: Comparison to Transesophageal Echocardiography.
Staab W, Sohns C, Zwaka PA, Sohns JM, Schwarz A, Schneider S, Vollmann D, Zabel M, Hasenfuß G, Lotz J.
RoFo 2014
Epsilon waves in Giant-Cell Myocarditis.
Vollmann D, Götte A, Kandolf R, Hasenfuss G.
Eur Heart J 35(1):9, 2014
Fetal heart rate during termination of maternal supraventricular tachycardia with adenosine.
Hellenkamp K, Weil MB, Aschka C, Vollmann D.
Clin Res Cardiol 103(5):413-6, 2014
Antiarrhythmic drug therapy for maintaining sinus rhythm early after pulmonary vein ablation in patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation.
Sohns C, von Gruben V, Sossalla S, Bergau L, Seegers J, Lüthje L, Vollmann D, Zabel M.
Cardiovasc Ther 32(1):7-12, 2014
Electrical Myostimulation: Improvement of Quality of Life, Oxygen Uptake and Left Ventricular Function in Chronic Heart Failure.
Van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Fründ A, Bogunovic N, Oldenburg O, Kottmann T, Wagner O, Dahm JB, Horstkotte D, Fritzsche D.
Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2013
Electrical myostimulation improves left ventricular function and peak oxygen consumption in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the exEMS study comparing different stimulation strategies.
Van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Prinz C, Körber B, Fründ A, Fritzsche D, Faber L, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Dahm JB, Horstkotte D.
Clin Res Cardiol. Jul;102(7):523-34, 2013
The occurrence of atrial fibrillation in former top-level handball players above the age of 50.
Van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Faber L, Prinz C, Fruend A, Dahm JB, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Horstkotte D, Butz T, Langer C..
Acta Cardiol. Apr;67(2):213-20, 2012
Left Ventricular Mass and Oxygen Uptake in Top Handball Athletes
Van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Butz T, Langer C, Prinz C, Fruend A, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Dahm JB, Faber L, Horstkotte D.. Int J Sports Med. 2012 Mar;34(3):200-6.
Renal sympathetic denervation–physical-antomical basics, procedure, and analysis of clinical and technical parameters on procedure success and efficacy.
Dahm JB, Wolpers HG, Becker J, Daume B, Hansen C. [ Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2012 Sep;137(39):1904-9.
Stent restenosis and thrombosis: etiology, treatment, and outcomes.
van Buuren F, Dahm JB, Horskotte D. Minerva Med. 2012 Dec;103(6):503-11. Review.
Electrical myostimulation improves left ventricular function and peak oxygen consumption in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the exEMS study comparing different stimulation strategies.
van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Prinz C, Körber B, Fründ A, Fritzsche D, Faber L, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Dahm JB, Horstkotte D.
Electrical Myostimulation: Improvement of Quality of Life, Oxygen Uptake and Left Ventricular Function in Chronic Heart Failure.
van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Fründ A, Bogunovic N, Oldenburg O, Kottmann T, Wagner O, Dahm JB, Horstkotte D, Fritzsche D.
Stent restenosis and thrombosis: etiology, treatment, and outcomes.
Van Buuren F, Dahm JB, Horskotte D.
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Left Ventricular Mass and Oxygen Uptake in Top Handball Athletes.
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[Renal sympathetic denervation–physical-antomical basics, procedure, and analysis of clinical and technical parameters on procedure success and efficacy].
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Left ventricular mass and oxygen uptake in top handball athletes.
van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Butz T, Langer C, Prinz C, Fruend A, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Dahm JB, Faber L, Horstkotte D.
Int J Sports Med. 2013 Mar;34(3):200-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1316313. Epub 2012 Sep 12.
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The occurrence of atrial fibrillation in former top-level handball players above the age of 50.
Van Buuren F, Mellwig KP, Faber L, Prinz C, Fruend A, Dahm JB, Kottmann T, Bogunovic N, Horstkotte D, Butz T, Langer C.
Acta Cardiol. 2012 Apr;67(2):213-20.
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Low resolution limits and inaccurate algorithms decrease significantly the value of late loss in current drugeluting stent trials.
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The concept of an anatomy related individual arterial access: lowering technical and clinical complications with transradial access in bovine- and type-III aortic arch carotid artery stenting.
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Transradial percutaneous coronary interventions: indications, success rates & clinical outcome.
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Transradial percutaneous coronary interventions: technique, materials & procedure in the light of anatomical and technical considerations.
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How should I treat severe coronary artery calcification when it is not possible to dilate a balloon or deliver a RotaWireTM?
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Transradial access in percutaneous coronary interventions: technique and procedure.
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Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope (version 2009).
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Clinical investigation into the observation that silicon carbide coating on cobalt chromium stents leads to early differentiating functional endothelial layer, increased safety and DES-like recurrent stenosis rates: results of the PRO-Heal Registry (PRO-Kinetic enhancing rapid in-stent endothelialisation).
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Early detection and efficient therapy of cardiac angiosarcoma due to routine transesophageal echocardiography after cerebrovascular stroke.
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Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid.
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Isoprenoid depletion by statins antagonizes cytokine-induced down-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide expression and increases NO synthase activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
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Cutting-balloon angioplasty effectively facilitates the interventional procedure and leads to a low rate of recurrent stenosis in ostial bifurcation coronary lesions: A subgroup analysis of the NICECUT multicenter registry.
Dahm JB, Dörr M, Scholz E, Ruppert J, Hummel A, Staudt A, Felix SB; NICECUT Multicenter Registry.
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Excimer laser in myocardial infarction: a comparison between STEMI patients with established Q-wave versus patients with non-STEMI (non-Q).
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Percutaneous laser-facilitated thrombectomy: an innovative, easily applied, and effective therapeutic option for recanalization of acute and subacute thrombotic hemodialysis shunt occlusions.
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Excimer laser thrombus elimination for prevention of distal embolization and no-reflow in patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction: results from the randomized LaserAMI study.
Dörr M, Vogelgesang D, Hummel A, Staudt A, Robinson DM, Felix SB, Dahm JB.
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